


Shirt, Mendocino. Top, Sugar. Jeans, Zara. Sneakers, Converse. Necklace, Ralph Lauren.

Back at it, enjoying life away from the city. One of my favourite things about Fall are flannel shirts; they’re so easy to wear and adorned with bold, beautiful plaids nowadays. I was going for a cute effortless look hence the flannel shirt and skinnies with pink Converse kicks. Added some bright accessories to compliment the neons of the plaid and threw in some oversized turquoise beads and a cartoon gator to keep it fun.


Living Things

Living Things band tee with denim look
Living Things
living things band tee with jean jacket
living things
Dollhouse buckled ankle boots
Jacket, Old Navy. Linkin Park concert tee. Jeans, Zara. Boots (here), Lulus.

Picked up this band tee at the last Linkin Park concert (Living Things/Carnivores Tour) and wore it 90’s style with denim on denim. Also tried out my newest booties from Dollhouse, trying to broaden my horizons when it comes to owning boots in anything but black. This was from our last night staying up at the cottage.

Hope you have a great day!