Pink Paper Bag Waist Pants with Leopard

pink paper bag waist pants with leopard tank and chunky wedge heels

Been really liking the pink and leopard print combo lately, just needed the right temps to wear this outfit. Finally got a chance to wear this pink paper bag waist pants with leopard tank look last weekend going out for Indian food. This casually cute and girly spring look is easy to put together in that the paper bag waist pants with a crop top combo is flattering on its own. It also pairs well

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Living the Country Life Update

living the country life - plaid coat with ripped jeans and cowboy booties

Well you guys I have to tell ya, living the country life isn’t without its ups and downs. It’s true how they say you typically take things for granted until you have to do without. For instance water. That being said, having grown up in Toronto I never worried about water; where it came from or so much as how it made its way to the sink or shower.

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