Coloured Checkers

Top, Mendocino. Jeans, Forever 21. Shoes, Nike. Sunglasses, Ray Ban.

Second-last outfit from the roadtrip featuring my all time favourite coloured flannel top I recently picked up at Mendocino. Loving the vibrant colours in this checkered print as it gives a lot of versatility for colour matching. However I didn’t quite do the shirt much justice here as I was restricted by my environment. But I was lucky enough to find a pair of Nike kicks in my closet with pink accents, close enough. Had to borrow my boyfriend’s shades because I left mine in the car. Needless to say they were a little bit too big for me cause every time I put my head down they were falling off my face (hence pic # 2) however we both felt like they completed the outfit.

The rocks we had to scale along this “rocky beach” were absolutely treacherous and I am so glad that on this outing I chose to wear proper shoes or else I would have guaranteed myself a broken ankle. Note to self: Redeem this shirt in another post with how I would typically wear it under normal circumstances.

Have a wonderful day!PS don’t forget to follow me on Bloglovin!
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Into the Blue

Top, Shadow Edge from Nasty Gal. Jacket, Old Navy. Skirt, American Eagle. Sneakers, Converse. Bag, Coach. Sunnies, Ray Ban.

Here is another look from our road trip. Same idea here, trying to find something that will last all day without sacrificing style. Always tending to overpack I limited myself to only the clothes that I could fit inside my overnight TNA bag (not an easy feat I assure you!). As such, I decided on a few key basics that would mix and match for the entire trip. Basics like a denim mini skirt and shorts, crop tops, long sleeve shirts, a few sneakers and sunnies. Figured those were safe bets…let me know what you think, and stay tuned for more looks using the aforementioned basic pieces.

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