So funny story. A while back I received some bra samples from WonderBra. They were all lacey and really pretty but unfortunately I was too small to fit in them. Slightly embarassing I know, but I’m being
Well my friends, sometimes it’s about making the most out of life’s bad situations. Hands down, last year was a complete and utter shit show. But instead of dwelling on the negativity we tried our best to make the best out of it. The pandemic forced a complete mindset shift on us, which we in turn applied to different aspects of our lives. That being said, we got married during the Covid pandemic. Right smack in the middle of the harshest Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns we had seen to date.
Hey friends! After talking about it all summer, I’m excited to finally share with you our wishing well flower garden. In case you haven’t been keeping up on Instagram stories, we had this abandoned fire pit right in the middle of our yard left by the previous owners. Since we created a new fire pit in another